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    About SNIMS

    Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences (SNIMS) is an excellent center providing health care. Our team of doctors work tirelessly and offer comprehensive medical services at an affordable cost.

    Our doctors are well versed with changing trends and recent advances made in delivering health care.

    The hospital is a well equipped one with competent doctors in various departments and provides high quality medical care. The hospital has been privileged to have the services of eminent consultants in various disciplines. We are committed to offer the most advanced diagnosis and treatment in Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and other specialties.

    About GCT

    Gurudeva Charitable Trust is founded by the followers of Sree Narayana Guru in Kerala and NRIs from the Middle East and other countries, with the earnest desire to serve the society. The Board of Trustees is responsible for overall administration, management and control of the Trust. Gurudeva Charitable Trust also depends on a distinguished team of Professionals, who have extensive experience in various professions and in social work.

    The Trustees mission is to focus on philanthropic, charitable and social activities based on the strong foundation of Sree Narayana Gurudeva's teaching of one caste, one religion and one god for man, which embodies the universal brother hood of mankind.

    Sree Narayana Guru approved the educational model as a combination of freedom of thought and worldly prosperity and insisted on developing good citizens of the world. The trustees of GCT recognize this and are planning to focus on developing competent professional doctors with all round personality, as first step, plans are in place to introduce systematic personality development courses as part of the academic curriculum. College is also planning to introduce a portal for parents to track the daily progress of their wards.

    Our mission

    The aims and objectives of the institution are to primarily address the health needs of Kerala by training medical professionals and providing healthcare to society.

    Our vision

    To develop a new generation of excellent doctors who will be able to provide better medical care and service in a dynamic and competitive world, with a strong focus on medical ethics and compassion.

    Our Objectives

    • To establish, administer and run Educational and Research Institutions in the field of Medicine, Nursing and Para Medicine.
    • To establish, administer, maintain and run hospitals, dispensaries health centres, houses for destitute, physically and mentally retarded and disabled, old aged or orphans or otherwise needy and poor persons.
    • To establish and administer educational institutions for professional and scientific studies in engineering and technology.
    • To impart training in the field of health, science and technology to increase the employment potential of the young.
    • To establish and run educational and vocational Institutions and research centre's.
    • To establish schools, Arts and Science colleges and other professional institutions.
    • To render financial assistance for educational purposes to students of brilliant career and to those students who are financially poor.
    • To establish, maintain boarding houses and residential institutions for the students and those connected with the institutions.
    • To accept donations, grants, presents and other offerings and to deal with the same for the purpose of the Trust.
    • To charge moderate fees and charges in consonance with the expenses incurred in the upkeep and maintenance of Hospitals/ Institutions established or about to be established under the Trust.
    • To train and equip the pupils, nurses, doctors so as to be self-supporting in an honorable and decent way of life so as to develop in to good, healthy and progressive citizens.
    • To promote and inculcate the dignity of labour, the appreciation of intellectual gifts and talents of all kinds.
    • To encourage sportsmen and adventurous spirit in the pupils and those connected with the institutions under the Trust and coming in contact with them, to participate and to afford training facilities in arts, sports and games of skills and prowess.
    • To bring out, encourage and develop the inventive and research faculties of the pupils and teachers and to afford opportunity for research work in arts, fine arts, science and industrial undertakings.
    • To run old age homes and poor homes.
    • To run schools for mentally retarded children, to educate them and to rehabilitate them and to make them fit for living.
    • To do any other activity for the welfare of the community at large.
    • To conduct coaching classes for professional courses, competitive examinations Including All India Services.
    • To run industrial and / or agricultural operations.
    • To promote tourism.
    • To provide the State art, culture and technological education by coordinating and in co-operation with other premier institutions in India and abroad.
    • To promote the ideals of Sree Narayana Guru for the foundation of an ideal society based on the Indian Philosophical thoughts and culture.
    • To accept any other Trust or Institutions created by anyone or body of persons for any of the above objects and in particular to accept and administer any Trust or Institution created in the name of Sree Narayana Guru for propagating his teachings or for the purpose of working for the educational advancement of backward people or for the material and spiritual well being of the people.
    • To do such other activities to achieve the above objects in general.
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