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    Early detection of Cancer

    A large number of cancer cases are being reported from every part of the world.  Family Physicians and Oncologists, these days are a worried lot.

    Every day, thousands of patients are told for the first time “Look, you have cancer”.  On the brighter side, inexpensive tests are available to detect early cancer. Breast and Cervical cancer continues to haunt women. Among men, Lung and prostate cancers are being increasingly reported. In addition there are cases of childhood malignancies to tackle.

    SNIMS is doing everything possible to detect cancer at an early stage. Biopsies, FNACs and PAP smears are helpful to confirm or rule out cancer. These steps have made early diagnosis of cancer a rewarding experience as the response to treatment at this stage is excellent.  At SNIMS, cancer is diagnosed and treated appropriately and aggressively. Due emphasis is given to periodic follow up that helps to prevent progression of cancer. SNIMS also holds regular Cancer screening camps, arranges counseling and where required offers palliative care. 

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